urban designer & researcher
Veneto 2100: Living with water.
Venice | 2012
Project for the 5th bienal of architecture in Rotterdam.
With: Latitude. Platform for urban design and research.
Het Stedelijk Geheugen van Transvaal en de Schilderswijk
Den Haag | 2012
Graduation project of the University of Technology Eindhoven
Bruno de Meulder
Michiel Dehaene
Reinder Rutgers
+ Nominated for the Archiprix 2012
+ Nominated for StedenbouwNU 2012
+ Winner of the prize of the public
An alternative history of the Dutch city.
The Hague | 2010
Historic research of maps for the research into the position of children and ethnic entrepreneurs in the Dutch city.
NWO research group University of Technology Eindhoven
Utrecht, a city of contradictions.
Utrecht | 2009
Course: urban analysis. Designing skills for cartography.
University of Technology Eindhoven
Life behind the dike ribbon in Sliedrecht
Sliedrecht | 2009
Course: Masterproject
University of Technology Eindhoven
Densification of Amsterdam southeast
Amsterdam | 2008
Course: Masterproject
University of Technology Eindhoven
Copyright 2011 Manoe Ruhe. All rights reserved. Last updated December 2014