urban designer & researcher
Ir. Manoe Ruhe (1983) graduated cum laude as an urban designer at the University of Technology in Eindhoven and has a background in Urban Planning and Urban Geography. After her graduation she has been working as an urban designer at Latitude. Here she gained a lot of experience with urban visions on a large scale to detailed urban plans on a local scale, while she worked on a project for the 5th biennale in Rotterdam. After this with lots of creativity and an out of the box mind, she initiated some unique urban projects and therefore she started her own studio, Studio Urban Sprinkle, where she is still working. Together with other professional and clients, like municipalities, she gained a lot of experience in many different cases for urban development. She has been working on integral projects like redevelopment, feasibility studies with themes as public space, sustainability, favelas to urban events like a multifunctional urban camping.
Manoe is very optimistic and with a lot of enthusiasm she faces every challenge. She has a lot of experience with working in interdisciplinary teams and is real team player and strong in communication. Her designs always contribute to maintain, stimulate and facilitate urban development in a sustainable way, for now and the future. You can always contact Manoe for a new challenge. Projects on this website are mostly realized during the time that she was studying. For more actual projects take a look on the website of Studio Urban Sprinkle.
Work /
Projects /
Education /
Awards & Publications /
June 2012 - present
Studio UrbanSprinkle: urban designer and owner
May 2012 - present
Bosch Architectuur Initiatief (BAI): volunteer
2012 - 2013
Vereniging Stadswerk: Volunteer
2011 - 2012
Latitude. Platform for Urban Research and Design: Urban Designer
2009 - 2011
University of Technology Eindhoven: assistant urban designer and researcher
2013-2014 / Contributed by Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds
Favela voce mesmo faz. Rio de Janeiro
2013-2014 / Contributed by ZLTO, SRE, HAS Den Bosch
'Pluk de Stad!' Research about semi professional urban farming.
2012 / Municipality of Eindhoven
Inspiration book: A2 Viaduct - Oirschotsedijk.
2012 / Municipality of Eindhoven
Research Urban Farming Eindhoven.
June - Oct. 2012 / Municipality of Eindhoven
Urban CampScape
June 2012 / OOR2012
Design Sessions for the Public Space
2011-2012 / Latidude. Platform for urban research and design.
Living with water, Venice. 5th IABR Rotterdam.
Master Urban Design & Planning (Stedenbouwkunde). University of Technology Eindhoven. Graduated Cum laude.
July 2007 - January 2008
Exchange Melbourne: Urban Design and Planning. Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT).
2005 - 2008
Bachelor Human Geography and Planning - University of Utrecht
Specialization in Planning and Urban Geography.
2002 - 2005
Industrial Design (man & public space) - Design Academy Eindhoven
April 2014 / exhibition
Favela Voce mesmo faz. Rio de Janeiro
February 2013 / publication
I wish this was...Common scenarios for Transvaal. Urbego Workshop. Available at the website of ISSUU. Publishers: municipality of the Hague and IFHP 2013.
August 2012 / publication
Het stedelijk geheugen van Transvaal en de Schilderswijk. In: Blauwe Kamer. Magazine for landscape architecture and urban design. nr.4
June 2012 / publication
The urban memory of Transvaal and the Schilderswijk. In: Archiprix 2012. The best Dutch graduation projects architecture, urban design and landscape architecture. 010 Publishers.
June 2012 / 2nd place
Design contest OOR2012. Design sessions for the public space Case: De Groene Corridor Eindhoven.
December 2011 / nomination
StedenbouwNU-prijs 2012. Price for the best graduation project in the field of urbanism and landscape architecture.
October 2011 / nomination
Archiprix 2012. Price for the best Dutch graduation projects of architecture, landscape design and urban design.
October 2011 / Winner of the audience award
Graduation project exhibited during the Dutch Design Week 2012.
May 2011 / publication
The urban memory of Transvaal and the Schilderswijk. In: Bundle of graduation projects of the faculty of architecture, building and planning.
February 2011 / first price
Winner of the VIA stedebouw photo contest: How to frame the self made city.
March 2009 / Column BNSP
Column for the professional association for Dutch planners and town planners (BNSP) entitled: De wisselwerking tussen stedenbouwkundige en planoloog.
July 2008 / Bachelor thesis
Entitled: Subcentra in Nederland: Een vraagstuk over de mate van zelfvoorziening van het subcentrum Amsterdam Zuidoost.
June 2006 / First price
Planning studio University of Utrecht. Entry: development plan for the municipality of Enschede.
Copyright 2011 Manoe Ruhe. All rights reserved. Last updated December 2014